Vultures are going to fly over our death bodies

29 خرداد 1398
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John Bolton' war ,is going to be start

On the US side, president trump [1] speaks of "no war", but ultimate (inhumanitc-cruel) pressure to search for direct talk with Iranian government…, and this side the Iranian supreme leader speaks of "no war and no negotiation" with “the disloyal US president”!

And the third side who have fallen in love with a bloodshed, new war in the Middle East… are engaging to provide all that they need to start it, to achieve their goals, and lead the process to came to true, the proposal which map it, in their dirty minds. And they are very active to lead the situation to what they want, what about the price for the region’s nations?!! no one care about it.

 The observers can approve that, the pro-war elements, were successful, to arrange some indications that, can be sufficient excuse to start the war, and change a "no war, no peace", to a war position easily.

And the atmosphere is ready, to one of the two sides, to decide, to start it.

What about the people in between, who are care about them?! the people who don’t want any other war, in both side, they can do nothing.

Initiative is in the hand of warmongers, the first one who decide to start the war, this is our situation in this region.

This is the Middle East, the region which. God, ignore it, and hand it over to some forces, who want to achieve their goals by sword, and no peace is being seen in the horizon of blood, fire… for decades.

Decades of war, bloodshed, looting, destroying, displacing, aggression… of the Middle East nations is not going to came to end, and a new case by the Trump administrators, under the name of nuke non-proliferation, is under operation.  

every time this invasion to this innocent nations, is starts with a new name, last time was in the name of mass-destruction weapons in Iraq, and now anther accusation for Iran is provided, and it is going to be test.

A dirty joke which leading the region to new war, new face of cruel actions, bloodshed, looting, destroying, displacing, aggression…

[1] - Donald Trump says US is not seeking war with Iran

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