I‘ll position myself in the churchyard, as I want to see all, not just you.
While in a church, known as God’s house, I prefer to be out of Godmen’s gatherings, to be with those who have an eye in the sky, or those who forgot about it, the people who are God’s servants or are just self-servants. At least they are all God-created, and you ignore them because they aren’t church servants.
I prefer to be a churchyard-man, I feel more freedom, liberty, autonomy, self-determination, sovereignty, authority, independendence… outside rather than inside.
The fresh air outside is more pleasant than the detained air inside.
I want to commute to, when I find, the necessity and essence of the move - the insiders don’t let you transfer at the time you need to.
In church you just listen to all they guess of the sky, but I want to hear of my Earth’s situation as well because it’s the time to live in it.
The churchyard is a piece of land that also has an opening onto Earth.
An insider has to just face God, but in the churchyard you can have all sides to need, like or face towards, God and people as well.
Inside, I should be out of my thoughts, and just be loyal to your mandate, so I will stay in the churchyard to have both my heart’s order and God’s command.
I don’t want to be in a position that will have me hanged if I thought something else, the churchyard will allow me to have my opinion and escape being hanged.
In a church you should just be a listener, but I want to be hearer and speaker, so I will stay in the churchyard so that both are possible.
My ears like to hear a diversity of all kinds of words, so I will stand in the churchyard to have it all. I do not limit myself to one word.
In a church you have to stand in just one way, but in the churchyard you can see and pay attention to all directions.
In a church you fix me with one opinion, but the churchyard lets me have the flexibility, to fly all-around everyone’s thoughts and God’s sentiments as well.


چون شر پدید آمد و بر دست و پای بشر بند زد، و او را به غارت و زندان ظالمانه خود برد، اندیشه نیز بعنوان راهور راه آزادگی، آفریده شد، تا فارغ از تمام بندها، در بالاترین قله های ممکن آسمانیِ آگاهی و معرفت سیر کند، و ره توشه ایی از مهر و انسانیت را فرود آورد. انسان هایی بدین نور دست یافتند، که از ذهن خود زنجیر برداشتند، تا بدون لکنت، و یا کندن از زمین، و مردن، بدین فضای روشنی والا دست یافته، و ره توشه آورند.

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