Happy New Year, 2021

On the Eve of the new year, 2021.
During the last hours of the old year - the year full of good and bad developments.
So many people have passed with Coronavirus and also to endless wars in the world. And now, at this time, they are not with us.
My chest does not have enough space to function properly, and my breathing is very difficult because of their loss.
I am optimistic about the future, but the future is not clear now - what will happen?
Humanity has to succeed in the long-run, toward morality, humanized politics, economics, religion, culture, thought,.... etc.
The pandemic is killing us now, but for how long? Nobody knows.
Nations do not know, what is in the minds of politicians, who is ruling, or will rule us?
For changing the atmosphere of the world, we have to lose so many lives, untill we reach the proper situation.
The rise of religious hardliners, fascism, racism, right-wingers,.... etc. These are yet another problem.
Is it the world, is this what is preferred to be?


چون شر پدید آمد و بر دست و پای بشر بند زد، و او را به غارت و زندان ظالمانه خود برد، اندیشه نیز بعنوان راهور راه آزادگی، آفریده شد، تا فارغ از تمام بندها، در بالاترین قله های ممکن آسمانیِ آگاهی و معرفت سیر کند، و ره توشه ایی از مهر و انسانیت را فرود آورد. انسان هایی بدین نور دست یافتند، که از ذهن خود زنجیر برداشتند، تا بدون لکنت، و یا کندن از زمین، و مردن، بدین فضای روشنی والا دست یافته، و ره توشه آورند.

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