Born India

In the Name of GOD

Documentary films made by professional artists, attract and catch the viewer’s minds, so during film-watching, taking its detail and complexity would became harder, because it invites observers to go through a wonderful sightseeing that is serried in a line artistically one by one. It bombards your mentality with galore meaningful pictures and colours.

On the other hand, viewer’s mind is shifting between amazing visual collected short film plans that plummets your eyes from one subject to another, and whole performance directs you in a certain way. Also the marvellous narration provided in such film take your attention to where the producer planed and makes it hard to understand and evaluate it in an objective way. So by going through a film once, you cannot achieve a suitable outcome.

 Also the BBC, British Broadcasting Centre, as a professional which has some interests in U.K ex-colonialized areas, is more mischievous than other such companies in this regard. But one has to confess that finding their covert agendas needs conversance and more data, because their hidden agenda takes shelter under complexes artistic techniques. 

One of the cases that the director of this documentary film obviously tries to uncover, as it described, is the economic division among Indian social classes and the discrimination which is going on in India’s new born society. It was the subject that takes part among highlighted subjects by the producers in a good and artistic manner. Big division between riches and poor classes in new India has brought the inequality rate of society enjoyment over the huge new wealth of India, under question, especially in India’s healthcare’s field that the government of India allocates very small part of its GDP to this essential sector (1). Therefor High standard hospital that are provided by the privet sector (2) in India are at the service of a small quantity of rich Indian people, because of high cost it doesn’t allow others to take service from them and very low standard and unequipped therapeutic centres shared by the rest of Indians is their only place for treatment.

While old India radically was trapped in a social discrimination in the shape of religious traditions that expressed itself in the “Cast System” law, now the new born India is suffering from social and economic disorder which both of them brings discrimination for their society. The casting system which had to be removed by the new Indian revolutionary constitution, which came to practice after independent in 1950s (3), and it forbade practice casting system at all levels, have not been practically removed till now and it plays its role in political as well as social Indian parts. New born India faced high rate of economic development but the discrimination to share development’s income also added to their problems.

 As result of this change of economic paradigm, that happened by investment law reforms in 1990s, a small rich community who are going to be rich and richer, and a vast community that is going to be poor and penny less is emerging. The fruits of economic developing are going to the avaricious rich men’s pocket and its side effects like unemployment and etc. is for the lower classes.

So a part of India’s society find themselves support less. Nowadays so many social movements are active all around this country and they are fighting for their fundamental rights and separatist see this situation to use it for their own favour.  The Naxalites (Maoists) are the best example in this regards the vast variety of left-wing militancy groups who are active in the region named "Red Corridor" (4), the stretched area from West Bengal state in North East to Karnataka state in the South West. They are active across 220 districts out of 655 in two third of Indian states (20 out of 30) and occupy or effect about 40% of India’s territories by their operations. 

 Growing Naxalites operations in major urban centres including New Delhi and other major cities as well as rural area especially, year by year, is going to make them asthe most serious internal threat to India's national security” as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh cautioned on 2007, security alarms went off in India. Based on Indian intelligence reports Naxalites guerrillas are estimated at about 20,000 armed rebels and include 50,000 regular or fulltime organizers and mobilizers, with the numbers growing (5). Therefor Naxalites military operations made India’s security organisations ineffective in the last decade. This active movement was born faraway, in undeveloped and hard to live rural areas, mostly backward tribunal parts and it could be named as a movement for fundamental rights.

 A part from some illegal movements, so many legal social movements is also mobilized by using the democracy capacity to follow their right. And some of them gathered around political party that shaped on exact social subjects. The best example in this regard isDalits backward society” that is the subject of some socio-political mechanism that strong political party (6) like BSP and SP appeared as rival for nation-wide political structure like INC in U.P, the most populated and very important state in India (culturally, religiously and politically).   

India’s’ ambitious leaders although have been trying to take India forward economically, and they were successful during last decade, but it is inevitable that an industrialized economy would reduce employment rate, because India is going to become an industrialized country and industrialization means employing machine instead of human work force, and every utilized machine means replacing a machine by so many hand workers which the outcome of this process would be a disaster for a traditional India that is founded on the hands of worker’s power. Now Industrialized India does not have so many jobs for its big worker’s market, consequently India will face unemployment (7) which directly pointed its low classes.

    Rural area are the biggest populated sectors in India’s economy that employ nearly 70% of this society, although it is engaging mostly in agrarian field as one of the big economic sectors, but lack of land for the workers forces this section to shows its evil face when India is faced with “free labour” phenomenon. A big community that just offers a small unsuitable place to live, and a miniscule amount of food, barely enough to keep them alive to work instead of their service by their landowners.

The pressure and heaviness of the works is on the weakened bodies of a big society that has no vision of improvement in the future, so no wonder that the media report many cases of suicide amongst this group of people every year.  

Indian leaders consider China as their rival in Asia and in the international economy as well as military fields and they point to reach to this competitor’ economy developing rate. But it is clear at the time that China put its development base on producing goods and also services, India now cannot play as a goods producer like China and their economy is far from China. India is active in service sector more than goods production. It is also forecast able that India, by tasting high economic development rate, and as result of the enlargement of its middle classes members (8), their internal demand for consumption of goods and service is going to be more and more, so it will take more energy of their economy to response to the request for more goods and service by its high populated nation and would lead them to pay more attention to their internal market, therefor it will make India’s income of external trade less and reduce its development.

Furthermore, high number of India’s population will have a double side role in India’s future, on one hand it will provide a young force for taking India forward and on other hand it will play as obstacle for focusing on its problem and becomes as problem itself. 

it is predictable that in future the world will be in the hands of China and India the two Asian regional power that nowadays with long distance from US economy are in the path of tasting high economic development rate, but it is under the question that how it will be possible when this two countries surrounded by so many internal and external problems. Especially India is faced with his social, economic, political, military transition from a traditional non-aligned member to a western ally at least in south Asia affairs. Now it seems that the west door is opening towards India to buy more and more arms and to be the first in the continent. The country that is neighboured by two strong nuclear armed forces and so many separatist internal groups and high rate of poverty and low rate income Indian by the index of GDP per capita and high rate of social crime like rapes case that shocked Indian society that show lack of social security for women in the traditional society that tasting transitional period to a kind of modernised one. The country that starts high cost build-up army procedure, that nobody can see an end for it. (9)


  Social Structure of India
by: Dr. Heshmat Sadat Moinifar

 Occasional paper on a film Review

 By:  Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi

M.A Student in Indian Studies

 Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran


 نوشته شده در دوشنبه نهم اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 9:43 شماره پست: 277

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