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India Federalism

 human concern over controlling Power-holder and power as most dangerous phenomenon for humanity Rightly, and the most corrupt-maker element in the mankind history, lead men to taste deferent kind of ruling society system, and based on this philosophy wised Indian revolutionary leaders has chosen federal system as most effective structure to make them able to came over their challenges after independent from British ruler in 1947, so new India that contain vast diversity, is shaped geo-politically by states and some independents territories based on federalism, and power that was shared in National, state and local level and politically within dependent Executive, legislative and judiciary level with powerful-direct elected parliament.

Indian revolutionary activists were aware of power and power-holder potential problems and if power gathers in the hand of one person, a group or class, the disaster that will happen ultimately, thus they try to regulate ruling system well by choosing federal system.

Federalism in India

Indian Federal system:

Part 11 of the Indian constitution that on January 26 1950 came to force defines the power distribution between the central or federal government and its State governments. In federal system national and states government work together to put in to effect and enforce law and punish law breakers. Federalism in India has a strong preference towards the central Government. Some unique features of federalism in India are:

Ø Indian State representation in the Parliament (Lok Sabha) is widely deferent from one state to another and it depends on a number of factors, including demography and total land area.

Ø No double citizenship, No separate citizenship for country and state.

Ø The consent of a state is not required by the Parliament to alter its boundaries.

Ø No state, except Jammu and Kashmir, can draw its own Constitution.

Ø No state has the right to secede.

Ø No division of public services.

The Union and states have independent executive staffs fully controlled by respected governments and executive power of the states and the Centre are extended on issues they are empowered to legislate.

Union control over states:

According to the Article 356 of the Constitution of India, states must exercise their executive power in agreement with the laws made by the Central government.

 Article 357 calls upon every state not to impede on the executive power of the Union within the states.

 Articles 352 to 360 contain provisions which empower the Centre to take over the executive of the states on issues of national security or on the breakdown of constitutional machinery.

 Governors are appointed by the Central government to oversee states. The president can dissolve the state assembly under the recommendation of the council of ministers by invoking Article 356 if and when states fail to comply with directives given by the Centre.

The Constitution provides that, except in a few cases, union law trumps state law. If any provision of a law made by the Legislature of a State is repugnant to any provision of a law made by Parliament which Parliament is competent to enact, or to any provision of an existing law with respect to one of the matters enumerated in the Concurrent List, then, the law made by Parliament, whether passed before or after the law made by the Legislature of such State, or, as the case may be, the existing law, shall prevail and the law made by the Legislature of the State shall, to the extent of the repugnancy, be void. There is an exception to this in cases "where a law made by the Legislature of a State with respect to one of the matters enumerated in the Concurrent List contains any provision repugnant to the provisions of an earlier law made by Parliament or an existing law with respect to that matter, then, the law so made by the Legislature of such State shall, if it has been reserved for the consideration of the President and has received his assent, prevail in that State Provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent Parliament from enacting at any time any law with respect to the same matter including a law adding to, amending, varying or repealing the law so made by the Legislature of the State."

Union level matter in Indian federal system:

Union list consists of 99 items (previously 97 items) on which the parliament has exclusive power to legislate with including: defence, armed forces, arms and ammunition, atomic energy, foreign affairs, war and peace, citizenship, extradition, railways, shipping and navigation, airways, posts and telegraphs, telephones, wireless and broadcasting, currency, foreign trade, inter-state trade and commerce, banking, insurance, control of industries, regulation and development of mines, mineral and oil resources, elections, audit of Government accounts, constitution and organisation of the Supreme Court, High Courts and union public service commission, income tax, custom duties and export duties, duties of excise, corporation tax, taxes on capital value of assets, estate duty, terminal taxes.

States level matter in Indian federal system:

State list consists of 61 items (previously 66 items). Uniformity is desirable but not essential on items in this list: maintaining law and order, police forces, healthcare, transport, land policies, electricity in state, village administration, etc. the state legislature has exclusive power to make laws on these subjects. But in certain circumstances, the parliament can also make laws on subjects mentioned in the State list.

Though states have exclusive powers to legislate with regards to items on the State list, articles 249, 250, 252, and 253 state situations in which the federal government can legislate on these items.

Advantage of Federal system:

v Federalism provides combine a strong central government to maintain order with strong states government.

v Federalism is a god way to rule large size countries with divers population

v  Because every states has a copy of national government so it make a suitable situation to serve as training grounds for national politicians and as laboratories in which new ideas can be tested.

v Permits diversity and diffusion (distribution) of power

v Local government can handle local problem better

v More access point for political participation.

v Protect individual right against concentrated government power

v Raises experimentation and innovation

Disadvantage and arguments against Federal system:

v State government may resist national plans and policies epically powerful states can block plans

v May permit economic inequality across statesor racial discrimination

v Some see expansion of national powers as a danger

v Make national unity difficult to achieve and maintain

v Law enforcement and justice are uneven

v Small unit may face lack expertise and money

v May promote local dominance by especial interest 

Central government role in Federal system:

v Declare war

v Creation and maintain armed force

v Establish foreign policies

v Regulate interstate and foreign trade

v Coin money

v Make copyright and patent law

v Establish postal offices

State government role in Federal system:

v Establish local government

v Establish and maintain schools

v Regulate trade within states

v Conduct elections

v Provide for public safety

v Provide and establish corporations

Central - State government joint role in Federal system:

Raise and collect taxes

v Provide for the public welfare

v Justice criminals

v Borrow money

v Licence banks

v Build roads


Politic and Governing in India
by: Dr. Mandana Tesheyar

Article by:

Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi - M.A Student in Indian Studies

Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran



+ نوشته شده در دوشنبه بیست و سوم اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 12:49 شماره پست: 283

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book reviow - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

In the name of God the munificent the merciful

Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) masterpiece and most referenced book, The Structure of Scientific revolutions brought the “Paradigm” to exist in 1962 , as conception and scientific tools and also a theory to become one of the useful method in scientific analysis, Kuhn as one of the most influential 20th century philosophy of science by this enterprise mainly pointed natural sciences, but his theory found itself more successful in social sciences than the Natural campus and most welcomed by scientists of social campus and subsequently make a revolution to analyse social phenomenon and it shows itself effective in “problem solving” in social field. Kuhn’s method is the outcome of his dominance over historical trends and theories of science philosophy, especially his conversance over natural sciences theories like astronomy, physics and chemistry, as frequently exemplified in his book explanations to verify his theory.

The paradigm takes meaning in the concept of “normal science” and development of sciences that “for a time provide model problems and solutions to a community of practitioners”. Normal science or conventional period of a science situated against “Scientific Revolution”, the tendency that every science experiences during its history and the development of any science will be happened throughout the shifting between the normal science and the scientific revolutionary.

The conception of Paradigm as a theory, is trying to have a clear Description-explanation on how one dominant scientific theory at the exact time is entering in its normal science phase, to have “puzzle-solving” role or ability to find “acceptable solution” for its suppositious problems of a science. It wants to say how a “scientific community” shapes around a theory or how they interact with each other, and when a dictated paradigm encounters with its weakness period by facing “Anomalies” that make question of its credibility, then what will happen to its supporters and by which mechanism a formed scientific communities terminated by appearing hesitation over its scientific ability, and gradually leads the paradigm to a scientific revolution point and ultimately it shifts from an exist paradigm to a new one. And why one paradigm is replaced by another one or what will be the quality and procedure of “shifting”. Furthermore, Kuhn’s aim showed the mechanism of “incommensurability” among different paradigm devotees that is highlighted in the book.

Kuhn’s theory in somehow is a kind of “Structure” theory. Its final goal is to analyse the normal science structure that read out a paradigm and science development. Kuhn believes that when anomalies relax the foundation of a dominant paradigm, it will alarm for a “crisis” that perhaps it will show the time for scientific revolution and necessity of emerging new theory and paradigm that ultimately should have more capacity for problem solving. Kuhn by exemplifying space theory indicated that had ruled history of astronomy sciences for centuries, as it is listed by him, Ptolemaic astronomy, Aristotle, Galileo, Copernicus, Newton then Einstein, that each of them tasted being in the position of normal science and they passed pre and post-paradigm atmosphere and each of them became normal science or “common Disciplinary Matrix” of their time that a community of scientists with a common values, methods, tools and techniques, and also with a unification of theoretical and even metaphysical approach collect around itself, and finally replaced by their successor through a scientific revolution path. Kuhn by using some others’ science theory as an example wants to say, it is a common trend of all sciences and it is repeated during scientific history.

Kuhn paradigm shift is not a “Gestalt” commuting and shifting between Duck and Rabbit, therefor a shifted person from one paradigm to new one will not return to previous one, and a kind of incommensurability will govern between two paradigm’s followers.     

Despite, Kuhn’s theory is efficient; the question is why we should trust Mr Kuhn’s theory that is concentrated on a natural-logical scientific shifting trend in philosophy and history of sciences. That is a cyclic and an on-going process, so who knows maybe in near future, the time of Kuhn’s theory also finish and his logical philosophy also adequate to the history of scientific.


  Research Methodologies and Methods
by:   Dr. Mohammad Samiei

Book reviow


Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi - M.A Students in Indian Studies

Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran


 + نوشته شده در دوشنبه نهم اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 12:10 شماره پست: 279


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Born India

In the Name of GOD

Documentary films made by professional artists, attract and catch the viewer’s minds, so during film-watching, taking its detail and complexity would became harder, because it invites observers to go through a wonderful sightseeing that is serried in a line artistically one by one. It bombards your mentality with galore meaningful pictures and colours.

On the other hand, viewer’s mind is shifting between amazing visual collected short film plans that plummets your eyes from one subject to another, and whole performance directs you in a certain way. Also the marvellous narration provided in such film take your attention to where the producer planed and makes it hard to understand and evaluate it in an objective way. So by going through a film once, you cannot achieve a suitable outcome.

 Also the BBC, British Broadcasting Centre, as a professional which has some interests in U.K ex-colonialized areas, is more mischievous than other such companies in this regard. But one has to confess that finding their covert agendas needs conversance and more data, because their hidden agenda takes shelter under complexes artistic techniques. 

One of the cases that the director of this documentary film obviously tries to uncover, as it described, is the economic division among Indian social classes and the discrimination which is going on in India’s new born society. It was the subject that takes part among highlighted subjects by the producers in a good and artistic manner. Big division between riches and poor classes in new India has brought the inequality rate of society enjoyment over the huge new wealth of India, under question, especially in India’s healthcare’s field that the government of India allocates very small part of its GDP to this essential sector (1). Therefor High standard hospital that are provided by the privet sector (2) in India are at the service of a small quantity of rich Indian people, because of high cost it doesn’t allow others to take service from them and very low standard and unequipped therapeutic centres shared by the rest of Indians is their only place for treatment.

While old India radically was trapped in a social discrimination in the shape of religious traditions that expressed itself in the “Cast System” law, now the new born India is suffering from social and economic disorder which both of them brings discrimination for their society. The casting system which had to be removed by the new Indian revolutionary constitution, which came to practice after independent in 1950s (3), and it forbade practice casting system at all levels, have not been practically removed till now and it plays its role in political as well as social Indian parts. New born India faced high rate of economic development but the discrimination to share development’s income also added to their problems.

 As result of this change of economic paradigm, that happened by investment law reforms in 1990s, a small rich community who are going to be rich and richer, and a vast community that is going to be poor and penny less is emerging. The fruits of economic developing are going to the avaricious rich men’s pocket and its side effects like unemployment and etc. is for the lower classes.

So a part of India’s society find themselves support less. Nowadays so many social movements are active all around this country and they are fighting for their fundamental rights and separatist see this situation to use it for their own favour.  The Naxalites (Maoists) are the best example in this regards the vast variety of left-wing militancy groups who are active in the region named "Red Corridor" (4), the stretched area from West Bengal state in North East to Karnataka state in the South West. They are active across 220 districts out of 655 in two third of Indian states (20 out of 30) and occupy or effect about 40% of India’s territories by their operations. 

 Growing Naxalites operations in major urban centres including New Delhi and other major cities as well as rural area especially, year by year, is going to make them asthe most serious internal threat to India's national security” as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh cautioned on 2007, security alarms went off in India. Based on Indian intelligence reports Naxalites guerrillas are estimated at about 20,000 armed rebels and include 50,000 regular or fulltime organizers and mobilizers, with the numbers growing (5). Therefor Naxalites military operations made India’s security organisations ineffective in the last decade. This active movement was born faraway, in undeveloped and hard to live rural areas, mostly backward tribunal parts and it could be named as a movement for fundamental rights.

 A part from some illegal movements, so many legal social movements is also mobilized by using the democracy capacity to follow their right. And some of them gathered around political party that shaped on exact social subjects. The best example in this regard isDalits backward society” that is the subject of some socio-political mechanism that strong political party (6) like BSP and SP appeared as rival for nation-wide political structure like INC in U.P, the most populated and very important state in India (culturally, religiously and politically).   

India’s’ ambitious leaders although have been trying to take India forward economically, and they were successful during last decade, but it is inevitable that an industrialized economy would reduce employment rate, because India is going to become an industrialized country and industrialization means employing machine instead of human work force, and every utilized machine means replacing a machine by so many hand workers which the outcome of this process would be a disaster for a traditional India that is founded on the hands of worker’s power. Now Industrialized India does not have so many jobs for its big worker’s market, consequently India will face unemployment (7) which directly pointed its low classes.

    Rural area are the biggest populated sectors in India’s economy that employ nearly 70% of this society, although it is engaging mostly in agrarian field as one of the big economic sectors, but lack of land for the workers forces this section to shows its evil face when India is faced with “free labour” phenomenon. A big community that just offers a small unsuitable place to live, and a miniscule amount of food, barely enough to keep them alive to work instead of their service by their landowners.

The pressure and heaviness of the works is on the weakened bodies of a big society that has no vision of improvement in the future, so no wonder that the media report many cases of suicide amongst this group of people every year.  

Indian leaders consider China as their rival in Asia and in the international economy as well as military fields and they point to reach to this competitor’ economy developing rate. But it is clear at the time that China put its development base on producing goods and also services, India now cannot play as a goods producer like China and their economy is far from China. India is active in service sector more than goods production. It is also forecast able that India, by tasting high economic development rate, and as result of the enlargement of its middle classes members (8), their internal demand for consumption of goods and service is going to be more and more, so it will take more energy of their economy to response to the request for more goods and service by its high populated nation and would lead them to pay more attention to their internal market, therefor it will make India’s income of external trade less and reduce its development.

Furthermore, high number of India’s population will have a double side role in India’s future, on one hand it will provide a young force for taking India forward and on other hand it will play as obstacle for focusing on its problem and becomes as problem itself. 

it is predictable that in future the world will be in the hands of China and India the two Asian regional power that nowadays with long distance from US economy are in the path of tasting high economic development rate, but it is under the question that how it will be possible when this two countries surrounded by so many internal and external problems. Especially India is faced with his social, economic, political, military transition from a traditional non-aligned member to a western ally at least in south Asia affairs. Now it seems that the west door is opening towards India to buy more and more arms and to be the first in the continent. The country that is neighboured by two strong nuclear armed forces and so many separatist internal groups and high rate of poverty and low rate income Indian by the index of GDP per capita and high rate of social crime like rapes case that shocked Indian society that show lack of social security for women in the traditional society that tasting transitional period to a kind of modernised one. The country that starts high cost build-up army procedure, that nobody can see an end for it. (9)


  Social Structure of India
by: Dr. Heshmat Sadat Moinifar

 Occasional paper on a film Review

 By:  Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi

M.A Student in Indian Studies

 Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran


 نوشته شده در دوشنبه نهم اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 9:43 شماره پست: 277

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 What is structure and agency? How does this framework help us in political analysis

In the name of God the munificent the merciful

Analysing Social-Political phenomenonas one of the most complex action in social science, is men concern, hence a methodological instrument which can help to answerto questions in this regard, is welcomed by experts.The“structure - agency”methodological philosophy by Giddenscan be observed as suitable tool to understanding of Social Science’s subjects. The main question is; are we (as human) governing structures or structures determinate our situation?  The agency is strongly related to power and structures also define how power is divided between deferent agents and how camps of power effect on whole. The Structure - agency is a theory between extreme Individualism (as it emphasise and dominate on western thoughts) and Structuralism (as its mostly followed by left wing and some other structuralists) and although individualtheories argue that we are richer as human beings than structure’s approach theories and can predict more strongly, but structuralists deny that the human actor is the ultimate social reality, focussing instead on the situated human actor. Giddens approach considers both of them and he tries to bridge between this two, to analysis social phenomenon and in somehow finish the clash between them.Giddens theory rejects dualism of this two and sees them two sides of the same.

“What is structure and agency? How does this framework help us in political analysis”

Ben Aston


Research Methodologies and Methods
by: Dr. Mohammad Samiei

Article by:

Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi - M.A Student in Indian Studies

Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran  

+ نوشته شده در پنجشنبه پانزدهم فروردین ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 3:31 PM توسط سید مصطفی مصطفوی  | نظرات

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in the name of god the munificent the merciful

the paradigm of new liberalized india commenced to adopt a new policy and the shift from socio-economy into liberal economy. india by this act left its cold war paradigm behind and entered to a new paradigm. due to this revolutionary turn, indian policy makers decided to join global trend. in the new liberalism paradigm, the global actors as well as india have to follow the rules which dictated by the u.s hegemony. despite, india was one of the founders of the non-alignment movement (nam), since 1990s, they shifted to new liberalism politically and economically, so they will follow the further probable sanctions against iran. in the new paradigm there is incommensurability between iran and india, as iran hasn’t enter to the western attitude, thus iran and india cannot apprehend each other well in this regards. india’s entrance in new paradigm is still debatable because its progress as a western partner would be operative when the u.s commitments to india have done. therefore, the puzzle among iran and india would be solving if the u.s authority doesn’t show itself serious in this manner or the relationship between iran and america derail from the current situation. it is predicted that india will cooperate with western policy to impose further sanctions against iran till the anomaly remove.


  research methodologies and methods
by: dr. mohammad samiei

article by:

seyed mostafa mostafavi -  hassan rezvani  and amir hussin hassanzadeh  -  m.a students in indian studies

faculty of world studies - university of tehran



+ نوشته شده در دوشنبه نوزدهم فروردین ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 12:2 شماره پست: 266


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Secularism In India



1-    what is a secular system?

2-    what dose secular system means?

3-    history of secularism in india

4-    meaning of secular government in india

5-    secularism in india constitution

6-    does secularism practically exists in india?

in the name of god the most compassion and the merciful

i do not expect india of my dreams to develop one religion, i.e., to be wholly hindu or wholly christian or wholly mussulmen, but i want it to be wholly tolerant, with its religions working side by side with one another.”       

"i swear by my religion, i will die for it. but it is my personal affair. the state has nothing to do with it. the state would look after your secular welfare, health, communications, foreign relations, currency and so on, but not your or my religion. that is everybody's personal concern"          mahatma gandhi.


necessity of secularism for a plural and diversified india is as important as lung for a live body.  although indian constitution was sign up on secular lines but india made itself as paradise of different faiths in 1976, by a revision in its constitution and placing the word “secular” in it, and put the republic of india in a new shining paradigm, by choosing secular system that indian faiths were accepted, and indians were expected to tolerate all religions and religious and cultural pluralism were recognised by this act clearly and officially. long and bloodiest civil war among politicised religion’s followers during and after independent and possibility of continuously clash between different cultures in indian territories and diversity that exist there lead wise indian policy-makers to make india as paradise for any believe and any approach of religions by choosing secular system.

what is a secular system?

it is a wrong perspective to know a secular system as non-religion or anti-religion system. india is one of the most religious country in the world and in this political unit, religion and philosophy is descent to the living style level of indian people so secular approach to the governing part (as container of power), is irrespective to society’s religion affairs and considers religion as privet side of any members of its society’s life.

what dose secular system means?

 the encyclopaedia of britannic defines secular as ‘non-spiritual, having no concern with religious or spiritual matters’. so a secular state is neither a godless state nor an irreligious state nor an anti-religious state. dr. bhimrao ramji ambedkar (1891-1956), the architect of the indian constitution said “secularism does not mean that we can abolish religion. it does take into consideration the religious sentiments of the people. all that a secular state means is that this parliament shall not be capable to impose any particular religious upon the people.”

history of secularism in india:

hinduism as faith of indian majority on the whole is in the favour of diversity and pluralism so millions of gods and goddess are accepted and welcomed in it and in somehow secularism is laying in its principals. it also has a strong tradition of freedom of integrity and tolerance of religious in its diversity. india as traditional society contains many traditions remaining their origin in part to the different religions that exist there. upanishads as old hindu scriptures speaks of “sarva dharma samabhava”, which means respect for all belief systems.

secularism in india, in somehow is a confronting with communalism, an anti-secular and minority movement that during and after independent made and prepare a two-polar society, that clashes among them take millions lives. although during the freedom struggle, secularism was emerging as the most dominant principle and the leaders of the “indian national congress party”, like sheri late mahatma gandhi, sheri late maulana abul kalam azad, sheri late jawaher lal nehru and others were deeply announced their believe and commitment to the ideal of secularism and secularism as word of the indian nation, who tired by partition and sectarian riots and above all terrorism that showed its dangerous face by assassination of mahatma gandhi, did not want any more combative talk. thus the secular principles got preserved into the indian constitution. under nehru and later his successors in the congress party, the concept of a secular nation-state was officially adopted as india's path to political modernity and national integration. unlike in the west, where secularism came mainly out of the conflict between the church and the state, secularism in india was conceived as a system that sustained religious and cultural pluralism.

 in the post independent era, the process of secularisation was in very slow speed and although constitution and governing bodies were secular, but the infiltration of communal elements all corner of indian system; even in congress government that had many leaders in important positions that were influenced by a hindu communal ideology. late 70's and the early 80's, communalism got a strong boost and it started attacking secularism in a big way, the bjp and it supporters like vhp (vishwa hindu parishad) and rss began their eruption and even hindu ideological-based militant groups such as the “bajrang dal” and the “shivsena” come to exist to forcefully bring communal movement forward. now communal forces are gathered under an umbrella with the name of “hindutva” and confronting secularism by name it as a new mask of fundamentalism and equating fundamentalism with islam.

meaning of secular government in india:

the word secular suggests equality for all religions and religious tolerance and respect. india does not have an official state religion. every person has the right to preach, practice and propagate any religion they choose. the government must not favour or discriminate against any religion. it must treat all religions with equal respect. all citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs are equal in front of law. no religious teaching is imparted in government or government-aided schools. nevertheless, general information about all established world religions is imparted as part of the course in sociology, without giving any importance to any one religion or the others.

secularism in india meant equal respect for all religions and cultures and non-interference of religion in the government affairs. also, according to the indian constitution no discrimination will be made on the basis of caste, creed, gender and class. similarly all citizens of india irrespective of one’s religion, caste or gender have right to vote. all will enjoy same rights without any discrimination on any ground. therefore, the chief aspects of indian secularism are:

no state religion, separation of state and religion, peaceful co-existence of all religions, treatment of all religions equally by the state, equality of opportunity in the public field for all irrespective of caste or creed or race or religion ensuring equal citizenship, freedom of religion both individual and corporate

secularism in india constitution:

 article 14: equality in front of law

article 15:  prohibitions of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth

article 16:  equality of opportunity in matters of public employment

article 17:  abolition of un-touch ability

article 25:   all those who reside in india are free to confess, practice and propagate religion of one’s choice subject of course to social health and law and order. thus even conversion to any religion of one’s choice is a fundamental right. freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion

article 26:   freedom to mange religious affairs.

article 27:   no person shall be obligated to pay taxes, the process of which is specifically appropriated in payment of expenses for the promotion or maintenance of any particular religion or religious denomination.

article 28:   (i) no religious instruction shall be provided in any educational institution wholly maintained out of state funds.                  (ii) nothing in clause (1) shall apply to any educational institution which is administered by the state but has been     established under any endowment or trust which required that religious instruction shall be imparted in such institution.

 article 29:          (1)            any section of citizens residing in the territory of india having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have a right   to conserve the same.                (2)  no citizen shall be denied admission to any educational institution maintained by the state or receiving aid out of state funds on grounds of religion, race, caste, language or any of them.

article 30:               (1) all minorities, whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish             and administer educational institutions to            their choice.         (2) the state shall not, in granting, aid to educational institutions, discriminate on the         ground that it is under the management of a minority, whether based on religion or language.

does secularism practically exists in india:

secular system is exists in india and its law especially is secular and the minority’s right is clearly mentioned and we can say india is perfect in this regard, but the problem is that the process of secularisation in india after independent is not complete tile now and anti-secular elements also active there and the threats to indian secularism are strong, something like politicisation of religion, casteism, communalism are three major enemy of secularism and all of them are strong now. indian secularism has three important characteristics, it is liberal (it not only ensures religious equality and liberty but also protects the rights of        minorities). it is qualified, not absolute (religious freedom is subject to reasonable          restrictions to preserve public order and health of the people). it is dynamic (the government may adopt necessary laws to achieve the goals of welfare state even if they violate the traditional principles).


  politic and governing in india
by: dr. mandana tesheyar

article by:

seyed mostafa mostafavi - m.a student in indian studies

faculty of world studies - universityof tehran 


+ نوشته شده در یکشنبه هجدهم فروردین ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 15:58 شماره پست: 265


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In the name of God the munificent the merciful

The Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)in somehowis focused on the structure or the agents that involve in a socio-political phenomenon as well as its cultural, situational, religion, political… contextto show hidden structure that dominate or control atmosphereof a text or speech, (or an act) as well as relations, thought… that are behind it to know and un cover a social player’s characters better. This method is also can be abused by a rival in political and media fields to show connections and causes which maybe are hiddenin public eyes of viewers or listeners previously.CDA is a method of research rather than a school of though and same as other methods there are no exact philosophy behind it and every CD.Analyser based on his concern and approach does his/her job. For example every CD.Analyser can bring a socio-political text (or speech) under an analysingscanner or microscopeit on his concern and studyitin all aspects of vocabulary, grammar and textual structures or dictate thoughtsand bring to surface the facts that are covered itself in the form of it.

 “Critical Discourse analysis: A letter to expatriates from the Rt. Hon. Sir Norman Fowler MP”

Andrew Atkins


Research Methodologies and Methods
by: Dr. Mohammad Samiei

Article by:

Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi - M.A Student in Indian Studies

Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran


What is structure and agency? How does this framework help us in political analysis

+ نوشته شده در پنجشنبه پانزدهم فروردین ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 15:31 شماره پست: 262

In the name of God the munificent the merciful

Analysing Social-Political phenomenonas one of the most complex action in social science, is men concern, hence a methodological instrument which can help to answerto questions in this regard, is welcomed by experts.The“structure - agency”methodological philosophy by Giddenscan be observed as suitable tool to understanding of Social Science’s subjects. The main question is; are we (as human) governing structures or structures determinate our situation?  The agency is strongly related to power and structures also define how power is divided between deferent agents and how camps of power effect on whole. The Structure - agency is a theory between extreme Individualism (as it emphasise and dominate on western thoughts) and Structuralism (as its mostly followed by left wing and some other structuralists) and although individualtheories argue that we are richer as human beings than structure’s approach theories and can predict more strongly, but structuralists deny that the human actor is the ultimate social reality, focussing instead on the situated human actor. Giddens approach considers both of them and he tries to bridge between this two, to analysis social phenomenon and in somehow finish the clash between them.Giddens theory rejects dualism of this two and sees them two sides of the same.

What is structure and agency? How does this framework help us in political analysis

Ben Aston


Research Methodologies and Methods
by: Dr. Mohammad Samiei

Article by:

Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi - M.A Student in Indian Studies

 Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran  


+ نوشته شده در پنجشنبه پانزدهم فروردین ۱۳۹۲ ساعت 15:35 شماره پست: 263

به اشتراک بگذارید

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In the name of God the most compassion and the merciful


Though India emerged as regional power in Asia and now in the world, but Indian Separation movements makes the biggest democracy in the world as unstable unit during last six decades and its ethnical, religion or cultural minorities groups support separation movements that impact the sovereignty of India. these show its hard face during & after India independence of British rule in 1947, when two big Muslim populated lands (today are known as Pakistan and Bangladesh) were separated from it, But it didn’t finish and others separation movement were starting their effort and some of them are going on till now.

Apart of two main external threats, Separationists issue is the most challenge and trouble-maker for Indian leaders for last six decades. India’s national security is affected and threated by this huge problem. In this field India’s internal and external side is very close to each other’s [1]. India is facing with two big and active outsider players like China and Pakistan that, its internal security in somehow related to them relatively.

 But it is clear that Separation movement most of the time is related to a minority’s feeling of no satisfaction among a majority, its excuses are rooted in feeling of discrimination in the field of cultural, ethnical, religious, political, economic.... Their goal is in the form of demanding full political separation, seeking greater autonomy, independence, self-determination, partition…  


Naxalites separation movement is vast movement that separated in a large number of Indian states. The Naxalites (Maoists) are the vast variety of left-wing militancy groups who are active in the region named "Red Corridorthe stretched area from West Bengal state in North East to Karnataka state in the South West. They are active across 220 districts out of 655 in two third of Indian states (20 out of 30). They are occupied or affected about 40% of India’s territories by their operation. Growing Naxalites operations in major urban centres, including New Delhi and other major cities as well as rural area especially, year by year, is going to make them as “the most serious internal threat to India's national security” as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh cautioned it in 2007, alarm security belles in India. Based on Indian intelligence reports Naxalites guerrillas are estimated 20,000 armed rebels and include 50,000 regular or fulltime organizers and mobilizers, with the numbers growing. Therefor Naxalites military operations make India’s securities organisation out of effective reaction for last one decade.


The “Seven Sisters” are including Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. These states are located on the edge of north eastern of Indian borders. These peoples have meaningful different in field of ethnical and linguistically from the rest of Indian. A large number of armed groups are active there and some of them seek separate states, some fighting for autonomy and others demanding complete independence.


 Assam separation movement looking for ‘’Bodoland’’ state, its military wing are ‘’United Liberation Front of Assam’’ (ULFA) and ‘’Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam’’ and ‘’National Democratic Front of Bodoland’’ Assam is one of important state in this regard that its militancy activation is back long time ago, it separation eruption at the time of prime ministerial of late Indira Gandhi was show it hard face when ULFA start its movement. ULFA has been in the forefront of a liberation struggle since 1979. Although ULFA is the main but two dozen other militant groups also were active there, some report says that over 10,000 people have lost their lives and thousand have been displaced during the last 25 years.


 The divide between the tribal and non-tribal settlers is the cause of the trouble in Meghalaya. Like other states in the region there is a demand for independence along tribal lines. The Achik National Volunteer Council has followed since 1995 the formation of an Achik Land in the Caro Hills, whereas the Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council seeks to free the state from Garo domination.


Arunachal Pradesh separation movement that seeking establish of the pre-British ‘’Teola country’’, that would include area currently in Arunachal Pradesh as well as neighbouring Assam. the group that politically is active in this regard is ‘’All Hajong Chakma Homeland Movement’’ and its military group is ‘’Arunachal Dragon Force’’ that is a forceful secessionist movement fighting to fund autonomous area of ‘’Hajong Chakma Homeland’’.


Mizoram separation movement that Proposed state of ‘’Zozam’’ the groups like ‘’Zomi Revolutionary Organization’’ and ‘’Mizoram Farmers Liberation Force’’ are active in this way. Mizoram's tensions have arisen largely due to the Assamese domination and the neglect of the Mizo people by India. In 1986, the main secessionist movement led by the Mizo National Front ended after a peace accord, bringing peace to the region. However, secessionist demands by some groups continue to insist on an independent Hmar State. 


 Nagaland separation movement is fighting for establishing of ‘’Nagalim’’ or ‘’People's Republic of Nagaland’’. In this regard they have a Government of the People's Republic of Nagaland in exile ‘’National Socialist Council of Nagaland’’ as an active militant group can name in this respect. Nagaland was created in 1963 as 16th state of Indian Union by parts it from Assam. It separation movement is one of the oldest in India since 1947 and it demanding full independence. This area is occupied by a variety of tribes, ethnicities, cultures and religion. Around 400 tribes or sub tribes leaves there and most of them seeking a separate homeland. The area is rich in oil reserves worth billions dollers. Thousands have died since the insurgency began. 


Manipur separation movement that targets establishing of ‘’Republic of Manipur’’ the militant groups that are active in this regard are ‘’ Hmar People's Convention–Democrat’’ and ‘’Manipur People’s Liberation Front’’ and ‘’United National Liberation Front’’ and ‘’Revolutionary People's Front of Manipur’’ and ‘’People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak’’. Independence Manipur has been actively followed by several rebel groups since 1964. Many socialist groups are active there and people’s participation in this field is high. 


 The ethnic tensions and also the Bengali immigrants matter after the 1971 war from one side and unattached culture of this region’s people with Indian side and building of a fence by the government along the Bangladesh border that led to a rebellion in the 1970s… make very harsh living conditions for thousands of homeless refugees there. The National Liberation Front of Tripura and the All Tripura Tiger Force demand kicking out of Bengali speaking immigrants.


Tamils separation movement is trying to establish a Tamil populated country. Liberation Tamil Tiger Eelam (LTTE) ‘s movement that was backed by Indian side  for Tamil freedom in Sri Lanka took access to Indian side that have common ethnicity, religion, language and culture And attracted mass support for their foundation. By developing of anti-India and pro-secessionist sentiment in Tamil Nadu at India side, independence movement raised. Tamil see that a part from a common religion (Hinduism), they have nothing common with the centre. So they said if Nepal can have an independent existence as a Hindu state next to India why Tamil Nadu cannot?


Punjab separation movement as one of the big fights in the north of India near disputed Kashmir area, Proposed funding state of ‘’Khalistan’’ a country for Sikhs people, that point Punjab state in India and Pakistan, one of the most developed and riche state in the agricultural, industry and culture. The Sikh community as influential community has had long struggle against the Hindu domination. they feel that they betrayal by the central government at the time of partition in 1947 and India’s promise for their autonomy was put away after independent of India. So at Indira Gandhi prime mistrial, it came to be a military clash between the Sikh militant groups and central government and ultimately war came to the Golden Temple, in 1981, where an estimated 3000 people, including a large number of pilgrims, died. This pick war was ended in a military victory but a political disaster for Indira Gandhi. Soon afterwards in 1984, she was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards and this in turn led to a general massacre of the Sikhs across India. Although the situation has returned to normal, the Sikh community has not forgiven the Hindus for this violation and tensions continue. The demand for Khalistan is still alive and about 17 movements for a separate Sikh state remain active.


 Kashmir Separation movement is seeking Independent Kashmir state or attending to Pakistan. In this movement two kind of Political and military organisations are involve. ‘’All Parties Hurriyat Conference’’, ‘’Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)’’… as political and ‘’Harkat-ul-mujahideen’’, ‘’Jaish-e-Mohammad’’, ‘’Lashkar-e-Toiba’’… as military group. The Kashmir issue is return to the time of separation India and Pakistan and for more than six decades, it is going to be alive and it passed several phases. It arose when India occupied of predominantly Muslim state forcibly against the wishes of its people and in ruin of the principle of partition of British India. A struggle for independence the valley of Kashmir has been started since then and hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives or disappeared and international efforts and The resolutions of the UN Security Council that have called for demilitarization of the valley and holding of referendum to determine the will of the people don’t work, so the issue is continuing till now.


 Andréa Pradesh Separation movement Muslim populated area had tried to have a Muslim country like Pakistan in south of India but it became control by India after its start but no based on some others factor, Andrea’s people fighting for separation state of Telangana.


Several internal war that India was facing all corner of its territories after independent, and following Killing of large number of its people, destroyed its friendly face among other nation fairly, and now with the rising of India military power its neighbours are showing India phobia and internally some say that India is at war with itself [2]. This situation seriously threaten India’ stability and has bad effect on its democracy. But the most dangerous scenario will be the clash of poor and rich that estimation of its happening is guesstimate. Even though India over came on some internal problem like Khalistan movement but some others are going to be more stronger like Naxalites movement and the potential of re-eruption of some is very high So as it clear India has been faced with so money internal challenges that it should be add to some new challenge that estimation of its happening is high, like clash of rich and poor classes and adding not sufficient unification among Indian as one nation and also interfere of outside hand like US, can put India on turmoil in future. 

India hard response to the minorities that are include in separations movement that is shows itself in the face of giving un-limited power backed by law to its security-military forces that involve in affected area, and cruel action by them toward innocent and common people like killing them and rap their women… in somehow encourage minority to follow their goal strongly resent case in Kashmir is good example for it. Doing any things in the name of combating terrorism have very bad effect on minority viewpoint toward India government. 


1-      ‘’There was little distinction between internal security and external security and identified the internal security challenges as having ‘some roots outside India and (is) linked to what happens outside the country’’ Indian Finance Minister (former home minister) , Shri P. Chidambaram on February 6, 2013 -

2-      Suhas Chakma, Director of the Asian Centre for Human Rights in New Delhi











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  Politic and Governing in India
by: Dr. Mandana Tesheyar

Article by  :    Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi

M.A Student in Indian Studies

Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran 


+ نوشته شده در یکشنبه سیزدهم اسفند ۱۳۹۱ ساعت 4:11 PM توسط سید مصطفی مصطفوی  | نظرات

به اشتراک بگذارید

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The problem:  A superpower India is a threat to the Persian Gulf countries?

The Political actor: Superpower India

The Institutions:  SARC organisation Persian Gulf Cooperation Council – UN – OPEC

Physical Environment:  India – Persian Gulf – Pakistan – Iran – Iraq – Kuwait – Saudi Arabia – Bahrain – Qatar – USE Oman Sea – Indian Ocean 

Other political Actors:   China – Russia – USA – Egypt – Israel- EU

Emerging Superpower India Estimation arise when some characters like world’s second population, long – high - continuous economic development rate with the guesses to be fourth world economy power by 2025, a developing military capacity and soft power like space technology, Atomic… were available.

A superpower is a self-stand and strong power with an own international policy and national interests… But now India cannot reach to this point when it lost its independent in international policy by signing “123” treaty with U.S.A in 2005. Thus India downgrades itself as second hand power and with this move it just evaluates as partner for US policy at last. Therefor increasing Indian interference in world process will consider as a part of India’s role in whole US policy toward others.

Superpower supposed to has an exact national and world interests but India based on “123” treaty committed to US to behave properly and the US Ministry of State should report India progress annually so as it is clear India a last will be an active ally for US.

But if India appears as independent superpower it will make some problem for Persian Gulf countries. India’s economy depends to Persian Gulf’s energy and market so same as US, India will impose its policies to them and will interfere in these countries internal affairs. Large amount of Indian who lives in these countries with addition of hard and soft Indian power’s capacity will help it in this regards.

As history also shows, Indian power appearance in this region will be as partner along with world power like US and its rivals like Pakistan and China will balance Indian role. Also Israel and Egypt will play their roles.



  Research Methodologies and Methods
by: Dr. Mohammad Samiei

Article by:

Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi - M.A Student in Indian Studies

Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran


+ نوشته شده در شنبه نوزدهم اسفند ۱۳۹۱ ساعت 13:25 شماره پست: 256


به اشتراک بگذارید

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India re-berthed when it changed in its investments policy act in 1990s and starts its new paradigm by taking this economic stop. Indian policy Makers with opening door to foreign and privet sector’s investment, made a revolutionary decision to opening India’s market to investment. It bring high rate of economic growing for India and son after, India tastes high growing economic rate and put itself among the world fastest in this regard after it.

Therefor a moving forward is shown its brightness rays for this semi-poor country that indicate better future for them. Moving from traditionalism to modernism, from poverty to development… characterise a transitional movement for Indian society but you can see now, sadness for poors and cheerfulness for riches… are together available there.

Foreign investment and privatizing economy and joining to world’s free market bloc, although it  bring so many job opportunities and growing rate for them, but internally the distance between majority poor and the minority rich is became very vast and dangerously big and big, so some experts predict a clash between Indian poor and rich class in future gradually, when they became full awareness that most of Indian economic revenue goes to some peoples pocket directly and make them poor and poor.

Some nation-wide private companies like Godrige, kingfisher, Mahindra, TCI… came to exist and today they covered Indian market and they aiming international market also as next step and India is going to back to its glorious period when in seventh century was a hub for world trading.

Apart of Indian poor and rich community, a growing middle class community have been emerged since new paradigm starts. Most of them live in urban area and they feel a kind of satisfaction with receiving good life standard in between. Most of them are involving in governmental, service, education and industrial sectors. Using suitable accommodation, commute service, education and entertainment that they enjoy of it during a city style of life is a main character for their life. Another character of middle class is a family style that involves mother and father and two children. They work all the day and enjoy night club at night.

Take technology as servant to lift society upward, English language as helper to joint to English speaking developed countries by an English Speaker Middle Class, help Indian economy to improve itself  well.    

But this is a fact that Indian economy nowadays is in the hand of big companies owners that make a privatized club with its limited billionaire’s members. Although Indian service and industrial sectors had been tested a big growing rate in its GDP, but agricultural sector is mobilizing a big rate of Indian society now and near 67% of Indian population live in rural area and most of them are active in agriculture sector.

The most awful face of Indian economic system was shown its ugly face in Agrarian sector in 2007 when about 12000 agricultural engaged people, who committed to suicide to escape from their endless problems. A hopeless and helpless people that cannot find any escape opening from the situation that they trapped in. they are going to lose all their properties because of the loans that they took from the bank system and now possibility of return it back is zero. Land less people is another problem for a large number of the people who live in rural India when agricultural land is the single most important resource and form of property and it is not equally distributed among people.

Growing India economy found itself wake and its problems came to surface when the Persian Gulf War was happened and need to this region’s energy resources that affected by war and made it very expensive, lead India to find new energy resources in some new area like Russia and African territories, now Indian oil companies are looking to give variety to Indian energy resource.

Opening Indian door to overseer’s capital and its direct and indirect investment and also Indian activity to occupy international market in the shape of “call centres” as cheap service provider for developed countries like US and production of software for big international companies like Google and Yahoo… give Indian an opportunity to bring outsources money to inside, an amount of billions dollars that will help Indian economy to invest in software and became one of the a biggest software producer in the world. Now Bangalore and Hyderabad in south of India is very famous for these kind of activity in the world.

 India is one of the important Cotton producer in the world now try to use this ability to change it to a usable good like cloths and became as cotton-cloths exporter to importer countries. Although India For centuries was a major manufacturer and exporter of hand-made cloth, cotton based and silk but long colonial system changed their production style and reduce Indian role in this regard but colonial system open European market to Indian products and now European are very familiar to Indian goods and it is the base for occupying European market by Indian.

The link between Indian big companies with their counterpart in developed countries is bringing big contracts for them and also a new market and high technology for them. So any big economy or industrial player in India has looking a partner in developed countries like the link between Indian TATA Company and US industries.                

But all growing rates in Indian economy and it liberalized economy don’t solve all the problems and now it suffering from unemployment, poverty, low standard of living, illiteracy, corruption, separation movements, terrorism, crime, social problems… in economic sectors this liberalizing make so many problem for them.

Unemployment among educated class as the film highlighted in the life of Miss Sima Malik a Kolkata’s girl that has Bachelor of Commerce degree with 3$ salary per a day and addition of so many social problems that took her marriage opportunities. This in a problem in a big city like Kolkata that working and living there is a hope for a lot of Indian and you can imagine what is going on in about 600000 Indian villages for some girls like sima who suffer more problems.

But you can see the ray of hope in the eyes of the Indian child who loves mathematic subjects and he hope to be a pilot in future in this films, a boy who suffer to have an addiction drinker father. Indian work a lot to change their situation and their noble leader class and civil service governmental class use all their efforts to gain high rate of growing and industrialize their country and take help from technology to improve and mobilize their people’s potential. So India evaluated as moving forward country that suffer big problem. The challenges that invite the Indian policy makers to a hard battlefield that nobody knows what will happened in future.


  Social Structure of India

by: Dr. Heshmat Sadat Moinifar

Occasional paper on a film Review

By:  Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi

M.A Student in Indian Studies

Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran                         

Separation Movement In India جدایی طلبی در هند

+ نوشته شده در یکشنبه سیزدهم اسفند ۱۳۹۱ ساعت 16:11 شماره پست: 254


In the name of God the most compassion and the merciful


Though India emerged as regional power in Asia and now in the world, but Indian Separation movements makes the biggest democracy in the world as unstable unit during last six decades and its ethnical, religion or cultural minorities groups support separation movements that impact the sovereignty of India. these show its hard face during & after India independence of British rule in 1947, when two big Muslim populated lands (today are known as Pakistan and Bangladesh) were separated from it, But it didn’t finish and others separation movement were starting their effort and some of them are going on till now.

Apart of two main external threats, Separationists issue is the most challenge and trouble-maker for Indian leaders for last six decades. India’s national security is affected and threated by this huge problem. In this field India’s internal and external side is very close to each other’s [1]. India is facing with two big and active outsider players like China and Pakistan that, its internal security in somehow related to them relatively.

 But it is clear that Separation movement most of the time is related to a minority’s feeling of no satisfaction among a majority, its excuses are rooted in feeling of discrimination in the field of cultural, ethnical, religious, political, economic.... Their goal is in the form of demanding full political separation, seeking greater autonomy, independence, self-determination, partition…  

Maoists separation movement:

Naxalites separation movement is vast movement that separated in a large number of Indian states. The Naxalites (Maoists) are the vast variety of left-wing militancy groups who are active in the region named "Red Corridor" the stretched area from West Bengal state in North East to Karnataka state in the South West. They are active across 220 districts out of 655 in two third of Indian states (20 out of 30). They are occupied or affected about 40% of India’s territories by their operation. Growing Naxalites operations in major urban centres, including New Delhi and other major cities as well as rural area especially, year by year, is going to make them as “the most serious internal threat to India's national security” as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh cautioned it in 2007, alarm security belles in India. Based on Indian intelligence reports Naxalites guerrillas are estimated 20,000 armed rebels and include 50,000 regular or fulltime organizers and mobilizers, with the numbers growing. Therefor Naxalites military operations make India’s securities organisation out of effective reaction for last one decade.

Seven Sisters separation movement:

The “Seven Sisters” are including Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. These states are located on the edge of north eastern of Indian borders. These peoples have meaningful different in field of ethnical and linguistically from the rest of Indian. A large number of armed groups are active there and some of them seek separate states, some fighting for autonomy and others demanding complete independence.


 Assam separation movement looking for ‘’Bodoland’’ state, its military wing are ‘’United Liberation Front of Assam’’ (ULFA) and ‘’Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam’’ and ‘’National Democratic Front of Bodoland’’ Assam is one of important state in this regard that its militancy activation is back long time ago, it separation eruption at the time of prime ministerial of late Indira Gandhi was show it hard face when ULFA start its movement. ULFA has been in the forefront of a liberation struggle since 1979. Although ULFA is the main but two dozen other militant groups also were active there, some report says that over 10,000 people have lost their lives and thousand have been displaced during the last 25 years.


 The divide between the tribal and non-tribal settlers is the cause of the trouble in Meghalaya. Like other states in the region there is a demand for independence along tribal lines. The Achik National Volunteer Council has followed since 1995 the formation of an Achik Land in the Caro Hills, whereas the Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council seeks to free the state from Garo domination.

Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh separation movement that seeking establish of the pre-British ‘’Teola country’’, that would include area currently in Arunachal Pradesh as well as neighbouring Assam. the group that politically is active in this regard is ‘’ All Hajong Chakma Homeland Movement’’ and its military group is ‘’Arunachal Dragon Force’’ that is a forceful secessionist movement fighting to fund autonomous area of ‘’Hajong Chakma Homeland’’.


Mizoram separation movement that Proposed state of ‘’Zozam’’ the groups like ‘’Zomi Revolutionary Organization’’ and ‘’Mizoram Farmers Liberation Force’’ are active in this way. Mizoram's tensions have arisen largely due to the Assamese domination and the neglect of the Mizo people by India. In 1986, the main secessionist movement led by the Mizo National Front ended after a peace accord, bringing peace to the region. However, secessionist demands by some groups continue to insist on an independent Hmar State. 


 Nagaland separation movement is fighting for establishing of ‘’Nagalim’’ or ‘’People's Republic of Nagaland’’. In this regard they have a Government of the People's Republic of Nagaland in exile ‘’National Socialist Council of Nagaland’’ as an active militant group can name in this respect. Nagaland was created in 1963 as 16th state of Indian Union by parts it from Assam. It separation movement is one of the oldest in India since 1947 and it demanding full independence. This area is occupied by a variety of tribes, ethnicities, cultures and religion. Around 400 tribes or sub tribes leaves there and most of them seeking a separate homeland. The area is rich in oil reserves worth billions dollers. Thousands have died since the insurgency began. 


Manipur separation movement that targets establishing of ‘’Republic of Manipur’’ the militant groups that are active in this regard are ‘’ Hmar People's Convention–Democrat’’ and ‘’Manipur People’s Liberation Front’’ and ‘’United National Liberation Front’’ and ‘’Revolutionary People's Front of Manipur’’ and ‘’People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak’’. Independence Manipur has been actively followed by several rebel groups since 1964. Many socialist groups are active there and people’s participation in this field is high. 


 The ethnic tensions and also the Bengali immigrants matter after the 1971 war from one side and unattached culture of this region’s people with Indian side and building of a fence by the government along the Bangladesh border that led to a rebellion in the 1970s… make very harsh living conditions for thousands of homeless refugees there. The National Liberation Front of Tripura and the All Tripura Tiger Force demand kicking out of Bengali speaking immigrants.

Tamil Nadu separation movements:

Tamils separation movement is trying to establish a Tamil populated country. Liberation Tamil Tiger Eelam (LTTE) ‘s movement that was backed by Indian side  for Tamil freedom in Sri Lanka took access to Indian side that have common ethnicity, religion, language and culture And attracted mass support for their foundation. By developing of anti-India and pro-secessionist sentiment in Tamil Nadu at India side, independence movement raised. Tamil see that a part from a common religion (Hinduism), they have nothing common with the centre. So they said if Nepal can have an independent existence as a Hindu state next to India why Tamil Nadu cannot?

Sikhes’s separation movement:

Punjab separation movement as one of the big fights in the north of India near disputed Kashmir area, Proposed funding state of ‘’Khalistan’’ a country for Sikhs people, that point Punjab state in India and Pakistan, one of the most developed and riche state in the agricultural, industry and culture. The Sikh community as influential community has had long struggle against the Hindu domination. they feel that they betrayal by the central government at the time of partition in 1947 and India’s promise for their autonomy was put away after independent of India. So at Indira Gandhi prime mistrial, it came to be a military clash between the Sikh militant groups and central government and ultimately war came to the Golden Temple, in 1981, where an estimated 3000 people, including a large number of pilgrims, died. This pick war was ended in a military victory but a political disaster for Indira Gandhi. Soon afterwards in 1984, she was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards and this in turn led to a general massacre of the Sikhs across India. Although the situation has returned to normal, the Sikh community has not forgiven the Hindus for this violation and tensions continue. The demand for Khalistan is still alive and about 17 movements for a separate Sikh state remain active.

Kashmir separation movement:

 Kashmir Separation movement is seeking Independent Kashmir state or attending to Pakistan. In this movement two kind of Political and military organisations are involve. ‘’All Parties Hurriyat Conference’’, ‘’Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)’’… as political and ‘’Harkat-ul-mujahideen’’, ‘’Jaish-e-Mohammad’’, ‘’Lashkar-e-Toiba’’… as military group. The Kashmir issue is return to the time of separation India and Pakistan and for more than six decades, it is going to be alive and it passed several phases. It arose when India occupied of predominantly Muslim state forcibly against the wishes of its people and in ruin of the principle of partition of British India. A struggle for independence the valley of Kashmir has been started since then and hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives or disappeared and international efforts and The resolutions of the UN Security Council that have called for demilitarization of the valley and holding of referendum to determine the will of the people don’t work, so the issue is continuing till now.

Andrea pradesh separation movement:

 Andréa Pradesh Separation movement Muslim populated area had tried to have a Muslim country like Pakistan in south of India but it became control by India after its start but no based on some others factor, Andrea’s people fighting for separation state of Telangana.


Several internal war that India was facing all corner of its territories after independent, and following Killing of large number of its people, destroyed its friendly face among other nation fairly, and now with the rising of India military power its neighbours are showing India phobia and internally some say that India is at war with itself [2]. This situation seriously threaten India’ stability and has bad effect on its democracy. But the most dangerous scenario will be the clash of poor and rich that estimation of its happening is guesstimate. Even though India over came on some internal problem like Khalistan movement but some others are going to be more stronger like Naxalites movement and the potential of re-eruption of some is very high So as it clear India has been faced with so money internal challenges that it should be add to some new challenge that estimation of its happening is high, like clash of rich and poor classes and adding not sufficient unification among Indian as one nation and also interfere of outside hand like US, can put India on turmoil in future. 

India hard response to the minorities that are include in separations movement that is shows itself in the face of giving un-limited power backed by law to its security-military forces that involve in affected area, and cruel action by them toward innocent and common people like killing them and rap their women… in somehow encourage minority to follow their goal strongly resent case in Kashmir is good example for it. Doing any things in the name of combating terrorism have very bad effect on minority viewpoint toward India government. 


1-      ‘’There was little distinction between internal security and external security and identified the internal security challenges as having ‘some roots outside India and (is) linked to what happens outside the country’’ Indian Finance Minister (former home minister) , Shri P. Chidambaram on February 6, 2013 -

2-      Suhas Chakma, Director of the Asian Centre for Human Rights in New Delhi











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  Politic and Governing in India
by: Dr. Mandana Tesheyar

Article by  :    Seyed Mostafa Mostafavi

M.A Student in Indian Studies

Faculty of world studies - University of Tehran 


 + نوشته شده در شنبه نوزدهم اسفند ۱۳۹۱ ساعت 13:15 شماره پست: 255   

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