RSS mourned when Indian constitution passed

Dr Shamsul-Islam on the 72nd anniversary of Indian constitution, published an article titled “RSS MOURNED WHEN INDIAN CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY PASSED DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTION” and he invites me, in its web-based debate about this article, I found it useful for Iranian also, to be aware of, what is going on in India, so I translate it to the Persian language, the following lines are my debate on this article and the reaction of some debate participants on my opinion :

 Mostafa Mostafavi

6 days ago

Dear Dr. Shamsul Islam Hi Iran and India, both have experienced, big uprising for freedom and independent, and both of them, nowadays face with diversion in its key revolutionary goals and ideals, so I found your article useful for Iranian also, so I translate it in Persian, thank a lot, I add a preface to it, and published in my site, it is the Persian version of your article in this address:

 Mostafa Mostafavi

6 days ago

My title for your article is: Constitution, the story of metamorphose and diversion in Indian revolution’s original goals


Mostafa Mostafavi

6 days ago

Dear Shamsul Islam, Hi and thank for your well-done academic work, I think there is no different among religions, religion should be a kind of spiritual form-giving to human soul, and a way of getting relation to God, make you aware of next destination, and something like this; in the case of ruling society, human experience lead us to the most important entrance to human well-being like: secularism, pluralism, democratic characters, fortunately the ruling system that is provided in the Indian constitution by late Dr. B.R Ambedkar , give you the best platform to live in peace and prosperity, Hindutva is a kind of petrifaction, sectarianism, radicalism, sectionalism, fundamentalism, fascism … that lead India (with “the unity in diversity” character), to chaos, turmoil, lawlessness, anarchy… and will ruin your achievements during long struggle for freedom, this is of Indian think-tanks to return India to its rail again, Mahatma’s rules of ruling the biggest democracy in the world is necessary now.



Babul Roy

6 days ago

I am surprised that these people so quickly comment all nonsense about Hinduism. When the same people even can not tolerate even a mere cartoon. This is shame and utter nonsense.



Mostafa Mostafavi

6 days ago

Dear brother Babul Roy Hi sir nice to hear you Please look carefully to the article’s subject, it is speaking about radical Hinduism by RSS, and its Hindutva doctrine, and exactly not Hinduism as general. The Hinduism as I know it, is full of tolerance and diversity, and its society is a safe shelter for asylum, but Hindutva is looking something else, This is my experience that Hindu radicalism or any kind of religion radical agents, cannot change everything during one night, but step by step, they will do their mission, democracy and religious base ruling, cannot combine together, when they catch the power in trusted mode, will have done last one, which is democracy that is dangerous for their authority and their continuing, The problem is hear About the cartoon, I am not agree with all that happened during this event, and there are so many like me in Islamic world, as well as Hindu world, Hereby I want to apologies if I harm your sentiment as a Hindu



Babul Roy

5 days ago

Look I am personally a complete rational man. But, for me the religion that serves the purpose of millions of human hearts has its own relevance, and that will always remain to be so. As a person myself I strongly felt that religion that is indispensable in our millions of lives must be free from the chain of bondage held by all such orthodox and conservative minds. It should be no man's personal property. It should be free like our modern arts, science and culture that is free to be cultivate by anyone so interested. On the other sense, there must not be any politics played in the name of religion to divide man from man. I hope, that day will come soon. Now coming back to Hinduism. I have enough proof that the Whole Western World and the so called Secular Brigade in India, for one reason or the other, has misinterpreted and misunderstood Hinduism. The second point that the Hindus are the most unorganized, non centralized, and undefined entity. This being the case even if some group like the RSS and BJP attempt to organize it, the same will still remain far from being the Nazi Fascism or anything equivalent to that. This point is being politically used and misused in today's political scenario. My strong recommendation is that one must not comment so cheaply about Hinduism, a religion difficult to be understood from a non-Hindu perspective, more particularly from the perspective of any other organized religion. There is already enough misunderstandings so spread out of our ignorance.



Selvin Raj

3 days ago

In every intellectual debate a basic requirement is a bit of humility for all of us. The one who expresses difference of opinion or view point need not be our enemy that we need to out rightly reject the person and at the same time the opinion or view point one expresses need not be superior to all others. Mr. Shamsul Islam has set the ball rolling on the topic " radical Hinduism by RSS, and its Hindutva doctrine", and exactly not Hinduism in general. It was a wonderful initiative Sir. All my appreciation for you and I am happy to be part of my country men and women.

Here is the orginal article



چون شر پدید آمد و بر دست و پای بشر بند زد، و او را به غارت و زندان ظالمانه خود برد، اندیشه نیز بعنوان راهور راه آزادگی، آفریده شد، تا فارغ از تمام بندها، در بالاترین قله های ممکن آسمانیِ آگاهی و معرفت سیر کند، و ره توشه ایی از مهر و انسانیت را فرود آورد. انسان هایی بدین نور دست یافتند، که از ذهن خود زنجیر برداشتند، تا بدون لکنت، و یا کندن از زمین، و مردن، بدین فضای روشنی والا دست یافته، و ره توشه آورند.

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